Bug report

Product and version

Baby 1.0

Issue summary

User interface issue. Multiple valid inputs lead to confusingly similar outputs.

Issue details

Baby 1.0 accepts a number of different, and sometimes complex, input types, such as touch, temperature and hunger sensors. However, Baby 1.0 only has a limited range of outputs; generally, these are:

  • “happy” (no error)
  • “unhappy” (an unspecified error has occurred)
  • “sleeping” (either no error, or error state not serious enough to report)

This causes confusion in distinguishing different types of system error (hunger, nappy change etc). This can lead to excessive delays, frequently in the middle of the night, in resolving the cause of the error. Generally, this then leads to an extensive period of resetting Baby 1.0 to normal operation.

In some cases, it is possible to get Baby 1.0 into a state in which he shows no error, even though an error clearly exists.

Steps to reproduce

  • Hunger detected: baby cries (expected)
  • Nappy change detected: baby cries (expected)
  • Overstimulated or overtired: baby cries (expected)
  • Temperature out of range: baby cries (expected)
  • Hunger and nappy change detected: baby cries (expected)
  • Hunger detected but soother given: baby does not cry (unexpected)
  • Baby placed in car seat: baby cries (expected)
  • Baby placed in car seat with vehicle in motion: baby does not cry (unexpected)
  • Daddy clips baby’s finger nails: Mummy cries (unexpected side effect on third-party system)

Hardware description

Hardware has been inspected and found to be practically perfect. Definitely a software issue.


WON’T FIX. The continuous development cycle for this product will eventually resolve all of these issues and there are no plans to expedite specific fixes for any of the examples provided.

The related feature request for Baby to respond to explicit voice instructions is on the long-term product roadmap, but should not be expected in the next few releases.